Live Simple

Minimalist Mudroom + Drop Zone


This post is a part of a series called “Peek Inside My Minimalism.” In this series, I show you a glimpse of what minimalism really looks like in my life. This post contains affiliate links. Every house has a drop zone. Usually it’s right inside the door. It’s the space that the shoes, mail, jackets, backpacks, …

Minimalist Kitchen Counters


This post is a part of a series called “Peek Inside My Minimalism.” In this series, I show you a glimpse of what minimalism really looks like in my life. This post contains affiliate links. I like my kitchen counters to be clear. I find it difficult to wash around and clean up crumbs when …

What I’ve Been Reading Lately

Today I am sharing what I have been reading lately, for better or worse! These are the five books I have been spending my time with recently. [This post contains affiliate links.] Minimalism for Families by Zoe Kim (Non-fiction) This book is a fantastic read for families looking to either dabble or dive into minimalism. …

the mental load the mental unload

Exactly How I Reduced the Mental Load

Do you ever wash the sheets? It was the question that started it all. One day while making the bed my husband casually and unassumingly asked me,  “do you ever wash the sheets?”. You see, my husband doesn’t see me wash the sheets. He leaves early in the morning and comes back late at night. …

get off the fast track

Five Reasons to Get Off the Fast Track

This summer we moved to the country. I drive my children to school past a scenic reservoir as we count the horses speckled along the rolling hills. It’s so beautiful that I take the long way to get there. Everyday. I take the long way In my former life, the idea of taking the …

Trading My Job for Minimalism

In today’s post, my friend Lilly is sharing her personal journey towards simple living. You can follow her blog, Pancakes and Beet Juice, on Instagram and Facebook. Last month, I walked away from my career without so much as a thought bubble of a new venture or backup plan. I realized that glorifying my career was anything …